D&S Fall Photographers’ Special 2008

Saturday and Sunday, September 27-28, 2008, was the Durango & Silverton’s annual Fall Photographers’ Special. After getting somewhat of a raw deal on the Railfest 315 photo trip, Nathan Z. and I decided we’d go give the FPS a shot.

Power this year was Alco K-28 #473, with the usual compliment of D&S passenger cars, Silver Vista, and caboose 0540. The weather wasn’t great – it was either raining or overcast for much of Saturday and Sunday, but we did get a few breaks of sun, particularly at the end of Saturday and beginning of Sunday. That’s just weather in the San Juans this time of year – unpredictable. Leaf color wasn’t really peaking until up between Elk Park and Silverton, but fortunately most of our sun was through that section, so it worked out. What follows are the results from the two days out on the line – enjoy!

Saturday, Sept 27, 2008 – Durango to Silverton

Sunday, Sept 28, 2008 – Silverton back to Durango

All photographs in this trip report were taken with a Canon EOS 40D using either a Canon 24-105mm F4 L IS/USM, Sigma 18-50mm, or a Canon 100-400mm f4.5-5.6L IS/USM.

Creative Commons License

This work is copyright 2024 by Nathan D. Holmes, but all text and images are licensed and reusable under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. Basically you’re welcome to use any of this as long as it’s not for commercial purposes, you credit me as the source, and you share any derivative works under the same license. I’d encourage others to consider similar licenses for their works.